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Lenten fish fry                                                                                         niversary by performing one service
             St. Mary Catholic Church, 34530                                                                      project per month. April's project is
          Michigan Ave, will be holding their                                                                     partnering with Wayne Ripple Effect
          annual Lenten Fish Fry on Fridays                                                                       for  the  Annual  Downtown  Wayne
          through  April  8.  The  hours  are  4-                                                                 Clean-Up. A morning snack bar will
          7:00 p.m. The event will be carry-out                                                                   be provided and pizza will be served
          only.  You  can  visit  the  website                                                                    at noon.
 or call (734)                                                                       Volunteers Needed
          721-8745 to place your order.                                                                              We need your support! By volun-
             MENU                                                                                                 teering to help clean up Wayne, you
             4 pc. Fried Cod (8oz) $15.00                                                                         can make a difference!  Volunteers
             2 pc. Fried Cod (4oz) $12.00                                                                         are encouraged to wear old clothes,
             Baked Fish (8oz) $12.00                                                                              masks, and bring gloves. This is a
             All  dinners  served  with  french                                                                   great volunteer opportunity for indi-
          fries or baked potato, green beans,                                                                     viduals,  families,  businesses,  and
          coleslaw,  tartar  sauce,  two  home-                                                                   community service groups.
          made cookies.                                                                                              Please  bring  your  own  brooms,
                                                                                                                  shovels,  and  other  cleaning  equip-
          First Congregational                                                                                    ment. Trash bags will be provided.
          Church free concert series                                                                              Volunteers  should  meet  at  Goudy
                                                                                                                  Park at 8:30 a.m. for registration on
             The First Congregational Church  Annual Marshmallow drop at Hype Athletics!                          April 23.
          of Wayne is planning a spring con- HYPE Athletics is hosting the annual Marshmallow Drop on Friday, April 15. There
          cert series that is open to the public  will be 3 drop times: #1 at 10:00 a.m. will be for toddlers to ages 4 and for children  Food trucks in Wayne
          with  complimentary  admission.  It  with disabilities. Drop #2 will be at 10:15 a.m. for ages 5-7 and the final Drop #3
          will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Satur-                                                                     on Wednesdays in April
          day, April 9, in the sanctuary of the  will be at 10:30 a.m. for ages 8-10.  Gather at the HYPE Athletics Center Anderson  The City of Wayne Downtown De-
          First  Congregational  Church,  #2  Ball Field #2 at Attwood Park.                                      velopment Authority (DDA) has an-
          Towne Square, in downtown Wayne.                                                                        nounced that there will be two food
             The first of three concerts offers  The second concert of this series  throughout the Detroit area will be  trucks in the parking lot at City Hall
          the  talented  duo  of  Joe  Kidd  and  welcomes a local artist of many tal-  the guest of honor.       by Goudy Park every Wednesday in
          Sheila Burke who have crafted pow-  ents,  Tyrone  Hamilton.    It  will  be  Please call the church for more  April  from  11:00  a.m.  until  4:00
          erful acoustic anthems which have  held on Saturday, May 14, at 7:00  information or questions. 734-729-  p.m. The plan is to have one truck
          had success locally and around the  p.m. at the church.  Tyrone plays at  7550                          serving  something  savory  and  one
          world. Their music is influenced by  many  venues  and  festivals  around                               truck  serving  something  sweet.
          many diverse instruments and gen-  the  Detroit  area.  He  is  a  pianist,                             Come for lunch or have an early din-
          res and has won them two Detroit   singer and song writer. He performs  Downtown Wayne                  ner.
          Music  Awards  in  the  outstanding  a  variety  of  genres  of  music  from  clean-up day
          World Songwriters category. In 2015,  blues to religious and inspirational.  Wayne Ripple Effect is partnering  Upcoming events with
          they were presented with the Michi-  Be sure to mark your calendar and  with the Rotary Club of Wayne to con- the Knights of Columbus
          gan Governors Award for Artistic Ex-  attend Tyrone's concert.        duct a city-wide cleanup of the roads  The Knights of Columbus, Notre
          cellence at the World Music Festival  The third concert will be held in  and paths bordering the Rouge River  Dame Hall, located at 3144 S. Wayne
          Concert of Colors. Please plan to at-  June with the date to be announced.  on  Saturday,  April  23,  from  9:00  Rd, has several regular events.
          tend this concert and enjoy the beau-  Kerry  Price,  a  talented  artist  who  a.m. until Noon. The Rotary Club of
          tiful music these two artists offer.  writes and performs her own music  Wayne is celebrating its 100-year an-         See Briefs, page 17

          14· April 2022 · The Wayne Dispatch
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