Page 17 - Wayne Dispatch Pages
P. 17

DEBT, Continued from page 8          GLWA  has  reached  out  to  the
                                                                                                                  State asking for assistance with this
                                                                                  At  the  CWW  meeting,  Randal  situation.  Coffey  mentioned  that
                                                                                Brown, GLWA General Counsel ex-   GLWA recently received a letter from
                                                                                plained that GLWA has filed lawsuits  the State encouraging GLWA to have
                                                                                against Highland Park in the 1940s,  a conversation with Highland Park to
                                                                                1990s,  2014,  and  2020,  and  the  come to a resolution on their own.
                                                                                State (2021 water only).             The   GLWA     board   recently
                                                                                  In the 2014 case, the trial court  adopted charges and a budget for the
                                                                                entered a judgement of $21 million  2023 fiscal year which begins July 1,
                                                                                dollars, but Highland Park pursued  2022. Debt services are 42% of the
                                                                                a countercomplaint. Both parties ac-  GLWA  FY  2023  Water  Revenue  Re-
                                                                                cepted a one million dollar evalua-  quirement budget.
                                                                                tion  relating  to  Highland  Park’s  Without assistance from the State
                                                                                countercomplaint. The case is on ap-  with the Highland Park debt, obtain-
                                                                                peal.                             ing a solution for communities to re-
                                                                                  Since 2014, there are additional  ceive  their  money  back  does  not
                                                                                amounts that Highland Park has not  seem attainable.
                                                                                paid to GLWA for water and sewer     “If we get a settlement in the case,
                                                                                services,  which  is  included  in  the  the money that would flow into the
                                                                                2020 case. However, the 2020 case  system from any settlement would
                                                                                is awaiting orders on the filed dis-  come back to the communities,” said
                                                                                positives motions.                Coffey.

                                                                                Briefs, Continued from page 14    be  hosting  their  annual  cemetery
                                                                                                                  walk on Saturday, April 23, at 1:00-
                                                                                  Wednesdays  are  Comfort  Food  3:00 p.m.  The 2022 Walk will be at
                                                                                Wednesdays.  Come  have  dinner  at  St. Mary’s Cemetery. Attendees will
                                                                                the Hall. Call the Hall for more de-  learn about several Wayne residents
                                                                                tails.                            buried there and hear their life sto-
                                                                                  Thursdays are Euchre Nights.    ries. Please park in Dynamite Park
                                                                                  Fridays are Karaoke Nights.     next to the cemetery.
                                                                                  The  last  Sunday  of  the  month
                                                                                there  is  a  $10  Breakfast  Buffet.  If  Free Credit
                                                                                you wish to have unlimited Bloody  Report Available
                                                                                Mary’s or Mimosas, the cost is $15.  Members of Wayne Westland Fed-
                                                                                  For any of the events, please call  eral Credit Union can now receive a
                                                                                the Hall for more information.    free credit report on the last Friday
                                                                                                                  of every month. Visit with member
                                                                                Upcoming events at the            representatives in the lobby for all
                                                                                Wayne Public Library              the details.
                                                                                  Magnetic  Poetry  Kits,  Tuesday,  Safe exchange zone
                                                                                April 19, 6:30-7:30 p.m. All ages    The Wayne Police Department is
                                                                                  Tea Mixing, Thursday, April 21,  proud to announce and display its
                                                                                6:30-7:30 p.m. Adults             new  "Safe  Exchange  Zone"  in  the
                                                                                  Birdhouse  Gift  Painting,  Satur-  front parking lot. The Safe Exchange
                                                                                day, April 30, 1-2:00 p.m. ages 5 and  Zone  is  designated  parking  for  ex-
                                                                                up                                changing items that you purchase or
                                                                                  Adult  Book  Club,  The  Stranger  sell online. The Safe Exchange Zone
                                                                                by Harlan Coben, Wednesday, May 4,  can also be used for child custody ex-
                                                                                6-7:00 p.m. Adults                changes.  This  area  is  under  24/7
                                                                                  Free Comic Book Day, Saturday,  video surveillance and was created
                                                                                May 7, Noon-5:00 p.m. All ages    to offer a peace of mind to the par-
                                                                                  Silly Saturday, Saturday, May 14,  ties involved.
                                                                                1-2:00 p.m. ages 6 and up            Wayne  Police  Officers  may  not
                                                                                  Hidden Objects Scavenger Hunt,  participate or act as an official wit-
                                                                                Tuesday, May 17-Saturday, May 21,  ness in the transactions, nor are they
                                                                                ages 11-18 or grades 6-12         available for legal advice or to settle
                                                                                                                  civil or pricing disputes between par-
                                                                                Cemetery walk for 2022            ties involved in the transactions at
                                                                                  The Wayne Historical Society will  this location.
                                                                                                                  The Wayne Dispatch · April 2022 · 17
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