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Frazier’s Towing enters contract with Police Department

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                         that long,” said Frazier. “I don’t think
             It happened December 2, 2021 at                                                                      I’ve ever had a tow over 45 minutes
          2  p.m.,  Jeff  Frazier,  owner  of  Fra-                                                               and that's when I was fully booked
          zier’s  Auto  Service  Towing,  was                                                                     up.”
          stuck at home with COVID, when his                                                                         On March 15th, Chief Strong and
          cousin  Larry  Frazier  came  to  his                                                                   Frazier  attended  the  city  council
          house to let him know the Wayne Po-                                                                     meeting  in  hopes  of  getting  a  con-
          lice Department called.                                                                                 tract approved.
             The police department needs to                                                                          “They’ve done a great job for us
          have  a  relationship  with  a  towing                                                                  since  the  beginning  of  December.
          service because there are many rea-                                                                     We’ve had no complaints,” said Chief
          sons  a  vehicle  might  need  to  be                                                                   Strong at the meeting. “My command
          towed: when there are traffic crashes                                                                   officers said they get the vehicles on
          and a disabled vehicle needs to be                                                                      scene quickly, they can handle com-
          towed, when an arrest is made and                                                                       plicated tows, they’re polite and pro-
          the vehicle needs to be towed, etc.                                                                     fessional with citizens.”
             “The  Wayne  Police  Department                                                                         The board approved the contract
          had set a longstanding relationship                                                                     between the police department and
          with Howard’s Towing, longer than                                                                       Frazier’s Towing.
          I’ve  worked  here,  I  think  30  plus                                                                    “It  was  a  known  thing  that  I  al-
          years,” said Wayne Police Chief Ryan          Wayne resident Jeff Frazier, owner of Frazier’s Auto Service Towing.  ways wanted to go after this. We were
          Strong at the city council meeting on  Frazier started Frazier’s Towing  said  Frazier.  “We  basically  started  very  passionate  about  getting  the
          March 15, 2022.                    in 2014, about two years after his  from scratch. I bought a truck for  towing. It was a huge thing for us,”
             However, Howard’s Towing unex-  dad passed away. His father, Howard  $5,000 and drove it until it died. I  said Frazier. “I built this company for
          pectedly discontinued towing the po-  Frazier,  was  the  original  owner  of  wanted to keep the same morals of  this. I’m very appreciative to the city,
          lice  department’s  vehicles  in  early  Howard’s  Towing.  So  Frazier  has  the  company  my  dad  had  and  re-  the police department, and the coun-
          December 2021.                     been involved with towing for around  spect for the customers.”      cil for this opportunity.”
             “Frazier’s Towing is owned by the  20 years.                         Frazier  always  asks  customers   Frazier and Chief Strong weren’t
          son  of  the  original  owner  of    “I was running around that yard  for Google reviews and claims that’s  the only ones excited about this ap-
          Howard’s  Towing  and  was  able  to  since  I  was  10  years  old,  if  not  basically how the business got built.  proval.
          step in and start towing vehicles for  younger. I grew up in that yard and  “It was hard to get my name out  “I  know  that  he  [Frazier]  has  a
          the police with essentially an hour’s  riding  in  tow  trucks  with  my  dad.  there,” said Frazier. “I knew I always  passion for the community. He’s also
          notice,”  said  Chief  Strong  at  the  There's five of us boys, and we all  wanted to keep the business within  been very involved in events in our
          meeting.                           took turns on who went on the tows,”  the city. Wayne used to be a really  community, so I think it's a great win
             Frazier  recalled  the  day  of  the  said Frazier.                strong city. So it’s important for peo-  for  our  community  when  you  can
          phone call in early December, saying  Almost all of the Frazier sons are  ple  in  Wayne  to  start  using  busi-  use a Wayne resident’s business and
          within  20  minutes  he  (even  with  still  involved  in  towing.  Frazier’s  nesses in Wayne.”        it  helps  them  build  their  business
          COVID) had all the paperwork faxed  brothers  Howard  Frazier  and      To encourage local business, Fra-  and work with their community. So
          to  the  police  department  and  was  Nathan  Frazier  both  work  at  his  zier offers resident discounts: where  I support this wholeheartedly,” said
          ready for them.                    shop. Nathan tows and Howard is a  he doesn’t charge mileage. Wayne res-  Mayor Rhaesa.
             “Timing is the number one thing,”  heavy  mechanic.  While  his  other  idents just get a flat rate tow.   Frazier’s Auto Service Towing is
          said Frazier. “To get to the scene as  brother Jimmy Frazier works at a  “People use motor clubs like All-  located at 35830 Van Born Rd. They
          fast as possible.”                 different  towing  company,  but  the  state,  AAA,  Roadside,  and  they  provide 24-hour towing and the of-
             Frazier’s  Auto  Service  Towing  brothers do business a lot.      charge you monthly but they leave  fice hours are 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. You
          spells F.A.S.T. for a reason.         Frazier’s cousin Larry worked for  you sitting for three to four hours.  can  contact  them  by  phone  at
             “That's  actually  how  I  came  up  Frazier’s  father,  Howard,  since  he  We will never leave you sitting there  (734)329-2699.
          with  the  name  when  I  started  the  was 15 years old and now is the op-
          business. I want us to be the fastest.  erating manager at Frazier’s Towing.
          I want to get there fast, to get you off  Even  though  Frazier  grew  up
          the road fast, and get you situated as  around towing, he originally didn’t
          fast as possible,” said Frazier.    want  to  be  in  the  towing  business
             At  the  council  meeting,  Wayne  when he got older.
          Mayor  John  Rhaesa  made  a  com-   “I never wanted to be a tow truck
          ment  about  Frazier’s  Towing  serv-  driver,” said Frazier with a laugh.
          ices.  “I just wanted to say, I’ve had  Frazier had a career in sales. He
          experience  with  Frazier  towing;  a  worked in direct marketing for Com-
          couple times I had to get my vehicle  cast for 10 years, but then his father
          towed  and  both  times,  very  fast,”  passed  away  and  it  brought  him
          said Mayor Rhaesa. “I actually had to  back into the towing world.
          get up there, get it towed to another  “It wasn't an easy start, but it was
          Wayne business, and had everything  a  fast  decision.  I  knew  getting  the
          done within an hour. They did an in-  property  and  following  the  family
          credible job working for us.”      business was what I needed to do,”
          16 · April 2022 · The Wayne Dispatch
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