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RECYCLE, Continued from page 5                                                               ids and those fluids would contaminate the land
                                                                                                       Weiser sits on.
          rate your metals, but the more you do separate,                                                 The biggest concern people seem to have with
          the more money you get. “The more you know                                                   metal scrapping has to do with the possible recy-
          your metals,” said Neidert, “and segregate them,                                             cling of stolen articles. Neidert said that back in
          the more you take home.”                                                                     2014  the  theft  of  copper  was  a  real  problem.
             While you are searching for scrap metal, it’s                                             There has been legislation made that dictates how
          handy to have a magnet with you. Iron and steel                                              a recycling firm acquires and processes metals.
          are magnetic. Copper is not magnetic. Have you                                               There is a $25,000 fine if the business buys a
          ever  thrown  away  Christmas  light  strings  that                                          manhole cover. Buyers also cannot buy air condi-
          have stopped working?  There is copper wire in-                                              tioning parts or catalytic converters.
          side those light strings that can be recycled. Don’t                                            If you bring something in to be recycled, you
          throw them away! Those lights could be worth a                                               will not get paid on the spot. The business will
          few dollars. Start a metal recycling box or bin and                                          mail you something that you then have to bring
          start throwing your old metals into it. When it’s                                            back along with your government-issued ID. You
          full, take it for recycling. Household metal recy-                                           will have to sign paperwork stating you are not giv-
          cling might not make you rich, but it could put a                                            ing the business any stolen materials, and your
          few extra dollars in your pocket.                                                            thumb print will be taken along with a picture of
             Did  your  toaster,  iron,  or  can  opener  stop                                         you. When you come back to the business, there
          working? Cut off the cord at the appliance and the                                           is an ATM in the building to use to get your pay-
          plug in and add it to your new recycling pile.  Al-                                          ment. It might seem like a lot of work on your part
          ways practice safety first and only cut the cords  Nancy Pride (left) discusses metal recycling with two  to get paid, but why would you have a problem
          when the appliance is unplugged! Other items to  other attendees of the program.             taking these actions if you’ve done nothing wrong
          throw in your box could include computer towers,  the makeup of the metals of the items.     in acquiring the metal you’ve turned in?
          Intel processors and computer boards, old brass  How does Weiser weigh your items?  Neidert     Neidert shared that at one time, the price of
          faucet  pipes,  aluminum  siding,  filing  cabinets,  said your vehicle is weighed with the items in it,  copper was fluctuating so often that people would
          electric stove burners and stainless steel.   you unload the items, and then they reweight your  buy  copper  at  Home  Depot  and  then  sell  it  as
             Once you have at least a pound of materials,  vehicle. He commented that the average truckload  scrap at the right time and make money. Although
          you can bring it in. To make it worthwhile, you  can net about $100.                         this is unlikely to happen in the near future, it’s
          might wish to collect more before taking it in, but  Weiser does not buy cars. The building is on  something to keep in mind as you delve into the
          a pound is the minimum to get paid. Weiser Recy-  porous land. The EPA (Environmental Protection  world of metal scrapping.
          cling  has  a  state-certified  scale.  Weiser  has  an  Agency) won’t let them buy cars because then the  If you do take the plunge, let me know about
          Olympus Xray Refraction Gun that tells the buyer  recycling business would need to drain all the flu-  your experience.

          18 · April 2022 · The Wayne Dispatch
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