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P. 3

1                                                           Detroit, Michigan

                 2                                                           Monday, October 30, 2023

                 3                                                -- --- --

                 4                            (All parties present in the courtroom.)

                 5                            (Record produced via recording.)

                 6                            THE COURT:  Calling case number 20-4758-01-FH,

                 7             People of the State of Michigan versus Christopher

                 8             Sanders.

                 9                            Appearances, please.

               10                             MR. PENNEY:  Good morning, your Honor.

               11                             Matthew Penney, P 74079, for the People.

               12                             MR. MCCARTY:  And good morning, your Honor.

               13                             Attorney Jeff McCarty, P 42633, on behalf of

               14              the approaching Christopher Sanders.

               15                             THE COURT:  Sir, please state your name.

               16                             DEFENDANT SANDERS:  Christopher Sanders.

               17                             THE COURT:  Good morning, Mr. Sanders,

               18              Mr. McCarty, Mr. Penney.

               19                             We did have some off-the-record discussion

               20              regarding some scheduling and procedural issues.

               21                             There was a question about jury selection.  I

               22              indicated this is not a capital case, I give each side 15

               23              minutes aggregate for voir dire.  And, obviously, I'll be

               24              asking some questions and that does not go toward the time

               25              used by either side.

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