Page 6 - Wayne Dispatch Pages
P. 6

1                            THE COURT:  Has anyone threatened you, coerced

                 2             you in any way, forced you to reject it?

                 3                            DEFENDANT SANDERS:  No.

                 4                            THE COURT:  Has anyone promised you anything so

                 5             you will reject it?

                 6                            DEFENDANT SANDERS:  No.

                 7                            THE COURT:  Is the decision to reject the offer

                 8             your decision and your decision alone after you've had an

                 9             adequate opportunity to speak with your attorney

               10              Mr. McCarty?

               11                             DEFENDANT SANDERS:  Yes.

               12                             THE COURT:  Okay.

               13                             MR. PENNEY:  In all honesty, your Honor, when

               14              Mr. McCarty and I spoke this past weekend, I put him on

               15              notice that I think there are going to be substantial and

               16              compelling reasons to depart from the guidelines in this

               17              case.  I intend to fully explore those and we will be

               18              seeking a prison sentence upon a successful completion on

               19              this.

               20                             That's putting the cart awfully far in front of

               21              the horse here.  I just want to make sure that I am not

               22              hiding any cards here and that all of that information is

               23              out there.

               24                             The other concern that I have, we were just

               25              speaking about some potential defense witnesses.  There

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