Page 7 - Wayne Dispatch Pages
P. 7

1             was sort of a theory that was kind of talked around about

                 2             what the relevance of these witnesses would be.

                 3                            It strikes me that these witnesses are really

                 4             more 404(b) witnesses in terms of, um, character evidence

                 5             against (inaudible) than anything having to do with res

                 6             gestae in this case.

                 7                            And, clearly, haven't gotten a notice of that.

                 8             I'm still working through with the implications of how

                 9             these witnesses would become relevant.

               10                             This is just something I want to place on the

               11              record at this point at the outset rather than halfway

               12              through trial making the same point.

               13                             THE COURT:  All right.  Well, I guess, perhaps

               14              Mr. McCarty will have to make an offer of proof if there

               15              is an objection and I will have to rule on that as these

               16              witnesses are potentially offered.

               17                             MR. PENNEY:  Thanks, Judge.

               18                             THE COURT:  All right.

               19                             MR. MCCARTY:  Judge, as it relates to the

               20              substantial and compelling reasons to depart from an

               21              eventual sentence assuming a conviction, I think that that

               22              would have been the first time my client heard the term

               23              prison in the context of this case.  He was not aware of

               24              that.  Perhaps I didn't make him aware of that in that

               25              context.

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