Page 4 - Wayne Dispatch Pages
P. 4

1                            We also talked about some witness issues.

                 2                            And I think Mr. Penney indicated that there was

                 3             an offer.

                 4                            I don't know if you want to place that on the

                 5             record, Mr. Penney.

                 6                            MR. PENNEY:  Absolutely, Judge.

                 7                            In light of the investigative subpoena

                 8             testimony that was turned over to the defense in late

                 9             September, we offered actually two different offers at the

               10              same time.

               11                             One was to plead as charged in this case with a

               12              sentence agreement of two years probation, along with an

               13              agreement to not pursue charges involving obstruction of

               14              justice with the witnesses (Antoine Aaron) and (Chiene

               15              Housey) (ph.).

               16                             The second option was also to plead at this

               17              time to Count Three, dismissing Counts One and Two, with a

               18              sentence agreement of 90 days in the Wayne County Jail,

               19              also agreeing to not pursue additional felony charges

               20              having to do with the obstruction of justice.

               21                             I passed that along to Mr. McCarty.

               22                             We simply have not had another court date to

               23              place that on the record and really not a practical time

               24              to put that on so this is really the first available time

               25              to do that.

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