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Spotlight, Continued from page 11  me.”                               when I don't carry something out.”    the community,” said Swim. “It takes
                                                To stay relevant and keep up with  Carrying items to customers’ cars  a team, and really it takes a village to
             VIP Petcare stops by for pet vacci-  the needs of the city, Goody’s orders  also continues the conversation so  do what we do. Our customers are
          nations, there are girl scout cookie  special items upon customer request  they  aren't  just  standing  at  the  just as much a part of making deci-
          days, and you can check out great  (like the shedding blade cat brush  counter, and other customers can be  sions with the store as I do.”
          deals through their loyalty program.   for my brother).               helped.                              Goody’s Pet Supply is located at
             “We  host  pretty  much  anything  “Our community informs us what    Conversation  is  an  important  35340 E Michigan Ave, and is open
          pet related, but there’s nothing really  their  needs  are.  If  you're  listening,  part of Swim’s job.    10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Monday - Saturday,
          flashy about what we do,” said Swim.  you  can  meet  their  needs,”  said  “I’m  always  asking  qualifying  10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday.
          “Our  mission  is  to  serve  the  local  Swim.  “We’re  family  owned,  and  questions to see if there is an oppor-  For  more  information  about
          community and anybody that is con-  sometimes you don't know what to  tunity  to  help,  to  figure  out  what  Goody’s  Pet  Supply,  call  (734)728-
          nected to the city. We’ll do whatever  carry, or it's not everything everyone  their  pet-needs  are,”  said  Swim.  5300.  You  can  find  them  on  Face-
          we can to serve the needs of our pet  wants. When it's possible, and when  “Sometimes  customers  go  looking  book  by  searching  “Goody’s  Pet
          families.”                         we have access to it, we’re happy to  for something and don't even know  Supply”.
             Swim  was  born  and  raised  in  order it.”                       what  question  to  ask.  They  know  For more information about Pro-
          Wayne, and genuinely loves working    Another  staple  of  the  Goody’s  their pet better than anyone, so ques-  viding  for  Paws,  visit  providingfor-
          at Goody’s Pet Supply and serving  business model is employees carry-  tions help give me insight on the pet,  call  (734)237-1812,  or
          the community.                     ing out heavy items for customers to  and clues on how I can help.”    email
             “It's really been a pleasure. Some  their vehicles.                  As much as Swim is involved in      If you liked this Spotlight Series
          people dread coming to work, and     “If there's anything 20 pounds or  helping the pet-needs within the com-  with  Sarah,  be  sure  to  check  out
          I've  never  really  dreaded  it,”  said  greater, we offer to carry it or insist  munity, he admits he couldn’t do this  Goody’s Pet Supply. If you didn’t like
          Swim. “Pets are the connections that  on carrying it,” said Swim. “It’s our  alone.                     this series, check them out anyways,
          I have with our customers. These are  way of saying thank you and gives  “It’s  a  team  effort.  My  team  is  and be on the lookout for the next
          my people. They feel like family to  someone an extra hand. I feel weird  united in our mission with serving  Spotlight Series with Sarah!

          Autism, Continued from page 6      you less. Together, we can work to-
                                             ward bringing hope to reality.
          time. As they transition through life  During the city council meeting
          stages, they may need different types  on Tuesday, April 2nd, Wayne City
          of  support  and  accommodations.  Clerk Tina Parnell spoke about her
          Early intervention and therapies can  own personal experience of autism
          make a big difference in a person’s  within her family.
          skills and outcome later in life.    “I just want to say this subject is
             Children and adults with autism  very dear to me as I have a grandson
          need growth in community inclusion.  who is autistic,” said Parnell. “I, like
          It  is  important  to  remember  that  a lot of people, knew nothing about
          young  children  with  autism  grow  autism. Was never around it, I just
          into young adults with autism. The  simply didn't understand it.”
          need  for  inclusion  does  not  stop  Parnell’s grandson, Mark, was di-
          after high school - it is a lifetime goal  agnosed  with  autism  in  October
          for everyone.                      2023.
             The community can help by being   “His biggest challenge is that he’s
          supportive and bringing awareness  nonverbal,  and  I  know  the  biggest
          to  the  challenges  a  person  with  challenge to Andrea [Parnell’s daugh-
          autism and their family experience,  ter and Mark’s mom] and my son-in-                    You can visit the historic Glenwood Cemetery still today.
          making room in our hearts and sus-  law  Jonathon  is  that  they  feel  Silent, Continued from page 4  unique in that it has within it's city
          pending judgment for persons who   isolation  quite  often  because  it’s                               limits  six  types  of  "Silent  Cities"
          may  seem  different.  Because  what  scary for them to take Mark out into  Chicago  Group  which  opened  which tell the story of cemeteries and
          makes you different, does not make  the world where a lot of people just  Clairview  Cemetery  at  Merriman  of it's citizens from frontier wilder-
                                             don’t  understand  what  he’s  going  Road and Michigan Avenue. In 1922  ness, to village and city status. Please
                                             through  or  what  he  experiences,”  during  the  "Jim  Crow"  era  when  join the Wayne Historical Society on
                                             said Parnell.                      many cemeteries would not accept  Sunday, October 6th from 1-3 p.m.
                                                Parnell shared that Mark goes to  deceased black persons, a group of  at Westlawn Cemetery for the Wayne
                                             therapy  and  is  making  improve-  Detroit Pastors purchased Clairview  Historical Society's 11th Annual His-
                                             ments (with eye contact and saying a  and renamed the cemetery Westlawn,  toric Cemetery Walk.
                                             word ever so often).               already  being  the  owners  of  East-  "The  wealthiest  place  on  the
                                               “It’s not a negative thing. That's  lawn Cemetery in Detroit. Westlawn  planet is just down the road. It is the
                                             the biggest thing about autism, it’s  is  no  longer  owned  by  the  Detroit  cemetery.  There  lie  buried  compa-
                                             not negative,” said Andrea Carpenter,  pastor group, but it remains a corpo-  nies that were never started, inven-
                                             Mark’s mom.                        rate cemetery to this day. A unique  tions  that  were  never  made,
                                                So  for  the  month  of  April,  in  feature of Westlawn Cemetery is their  bestselling  books  that  were  never
                                             honor of Autism Awareness Month    Columbarium, a mausoleum hosting  written, and masterpieces that were
                                             in the City of Wayne, be sure to be  remains and cremains, in the south-  never  painted.  In  the  cemetery  is
                                             kind, look beyond autism, and see  west corner of the cemetery.      buried the greatest treasure of un-
                                      Mark   someone special.                     The City of Wayne is somewhat   tapped potential."
                                                                                                                  The Wayne Dispatch · April 2024 · 13
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