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Good finds and great vibes at Goody’s Pet Supply

             Welcome  back  to  another  Spot-
          light Series with Sarah!
             If you’re new here, I’m shining a
          spotlight on hidden gems in the City
          of Wayne that I personally visit, expe-
          rience, and review for my readers. I
          started this series to get to know the
          city more personally, while my read-
          ers can get to know me better in the
          process.                                                                                                and UV light. For Zeke, I always get
             If  there’s  one  thing  you  should                                                                 his  peanut  butter  filled  bones,
          know about me, it’s that I love ani-                                                                    chicken feet, and biggest tug-of-war
          mals. In a different life (where I’m                                                                    toy Goody’s has to offer.
          better at math and science) I would                                                                        Great  Danes  are  short-haired
          have  been  a  veterinarian.  But  my                                                                   dogs,  and  if  you  know  anything
          brain is better at words than num-                                                                      about  short-haired  dogs,  then  you
          bers, so I became a writer and a pet                                                                    know  they  shed  like  no  other.  I’ve
          parent.                                                                                                 tried brushing him with many differ-
             I have a 6 year old Great Dane                                                                       ent styles of brushes or combs, but
          named  Ezekiel  (or  Zeke)  and  a  7                                                                   nothing has worked.
          year  old  bearded  dragon  named                                                                          I noticed Goody’s offered a shed-
          Stanley.                                                                                                ding blade dog brush (like the ones
             Zeke and Stanley love getting out                                                                    used for horses), and since I get “is
          of  the  house  and  going  for  adven-                                                                 that a dog or a horse?” or “where’s
          tures.  I  take  them  on  walks,  car                                                                  your saddle?” comments whenever I
          rides, and trips to pet-friendly stores.                                                                walk Zeke, it seemed fitting to try it
          One  of  my  favorite  places  to  take                                                                 out.
          them is Goody’s Pet Supply.                                                                                 I purchased the shedding blade
             Goody’s is my go-to place to get                                                                     dog  brush,  and  it  has  been  an  ab-
          Stanley’s  mealworms,  hornworms,  Stanley the bearded dragon and Zeke the Great Dane visiting Santa at Goody’s Pet
          and new bulbs for both his basking  Supply in Downtown Wayne.                                                     See Spotlight, page 11

          10 · April 2024 · The Wayne Dispatch
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