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Upcoming events and programs in WWCS

             Exciting things are happening in                                                                     awareness and exploration of poten-
          Wayne-Westland Community Schools                                                                        tial futures by providing them with
          (WWCS).                                                                                                 opportunities to self-assess their ap-
             A WWCS collage concert will be                                                                       titudes and interests,” said JaCinda
          held  on  Wednesday,  April  20th  at                                                                   Sumara, Executive Director of Tech-
          6:30pm at Stockmeyer Auditorium                                                                         nology and Innovation.
          (3001 Fourth St.)                                                                                          The  STEM  Center  continues  to
             There will be band, choir, and or-                                                                   thrive as there are elementary stu-
          chestra  performances  by:  John                                                                        dents  visiting  every  morning  and
          Glenn High School, Wayne Memorial                                                                       most afternoons the STEM teachers
          High School, Adams Middle School,                                                                       are out in the schools presenting les-
          Franklin Middle School, and Steven-                                                                     sons.
          son Middle School.                                                                                         In a move towards personalized
             The concert is free to the public,                                                                   education,  Wayne-Westland  Innova-
          so everyone is welcome.                                                                                 tion Academy in Wayne has an inno-
             WWCS is proud to have a state-of-                                                                    vative  approach  to  high  school
          the-art  STEM  Center,  which  offers                                                                   learning.
          immersive activities for elementary                                                                        Through  a  blend  of  traditional
          and middle school students.                                                                             and non-traditional learning compo-
             “The STEM Center is a testament                                              STEM Center Mice and Go.  nents,  Wayne-Westland  Innovation
          to the district’s commitment to ad-  ration, and innovation.          few  high  schools  in  Michigan  that  Academy empowers students to suc-
          vancing  science,  technology,  engi-  “This innovative facility will em-  has a planetarium. The planetarium  ceed academically and beyond. The
          neering, and math education for our  power students to explore their cre-  offers  additional  opportunities  for  academy  offers  virtual,  in-person,
          students,”  said  WWCS  Superinten-  ativity and critical thinking skills,”  students as they can explore the won-  and hybrid learning options to cater
          dent John Dignan.                  said Superintendent Dignan.        ders of the universe.             to diverse student needs.
             The  STEM  Center,  located  at    In addition to the labs available at  “At the end of the K-12 experience,  The  in-person  learning  experi-
          John Glenn High School, presents   the STEM Center and the availability  every  child  deserves  access  to  a  ence offers a traditional classroom
          lessons in a hands-on manner and   of sending STEM kits to classroom  meaningful career. STEM education
          encourages students’ curiosity, explo-  teachers, John Glenn is one of the  supports  students  through  the          See WWCS, page 15

          14 · April 2024 · The Wayne Dispatch
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