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to afford to purchase the upgraded  since  he  deserved  some  photos  as
          Spotlight, Continued from page 10
                                                                                size terrarium he needed.         well.
          solute game changer. The amount of                                      My mom found my dream terrar-      “One of the most iconic moments
          hair that comes off Zeke when I use                                   ium at Goody’s (48L x 18W x 18H)  was  when  Zeke  showed  up  in  cos-
          the shedding brush makes me won-                                      enclosure with double sliding front  tume and matched with the Easter
          der how he is not bald by now, but                                    doors  and  screen  lids)  and  made  Bunny,” said Swim. “You could swear
          his  coat  is  so  much  softer  and                                  payments on it until it was paid off.  you  coordinated.  It  was  just  awe-
          smoother  after  being  brushed  and                                  Swim put a “sold” note on the terrar-  some, and that stands in my mem-
          I’m sure he feels so much better as                                   ium and allowed us to keep it in the  ory.”
          well.                                                                 store until it was completely paid for.    Goody’s  Pet  Supply  opened  in
             Since the shedding blade brush                                       In 2018, when we brought Zeke   Wayne in 1989 by the Goodlow fam-
          worked  so  well  with  Ezekiel,  I                                   home  as  a  puppy,  we  knew  we  ily.  Swim  has  been  with  Goody’s
          wanted my brother to get a brush for                                  wanted to crate train him until he  since November 2004, when the new
          his cat too, since he [the cat] desper-                               was older.                        ownership took over.
          ately needed a good brushing as well.                                   I fully understand that not every-  The  pet  photos  have  been  a
             I  noticed  Goody’s  didn’t  offer  a                              one  agrees  with  crates,  however,  fundraiser  that  Goody’s  hosts  for
          shedding blade cat brush, so I spoke                                  when my mom was younger and had   Providing for Paws for the last 10-15
          with Tom Swim, Goody’s Pet Supply                                     a Great Dane of her own, she once  years.
          Manager,  and  he  put  in  a  special                                came  home  to  everything  in  her  Providing for Paws is a 501(c)(3)
          order for the cat brush. Within a few                                 apartment completely destroyed by  non-profit  organization  that  helps
          weeks, I received a phone call from                                   a puppy she let free-roam the apart-  rescue  animals  in  need.  Providing
          Goody’s letting me know my order                                      ment, and I did not want to experi-  for  Paws  hopes  to  help  curb  the
          was ready and at the store waiting                                    ence this same thing with Zeke.    amount of homeless animal popula-
          for me.                                                                 When  she  offered  to  buy  me  a  tion by educating owners on the im-
             Goody’s is my go-to for my pets’                                   crate for Zeke, I did not object. She  portance  of  spaying  and  neutering
          needs, but it has also been a go-to                                   ordered the largest crate you could  their pets, as well as proper pet care,
          for my family for years as well.                                      imagine from Goody’s but unfortu-  such as vaccines, preventatives for
             In 2017, my mom bought me (for                                     nately, it didn’t arrive by the time we  flea and tick as well as heartworm.
          Stanley)  an  upgraded  terrarium                                     brought Zeke home.                   Goody’s just hosted their annual
          from Goody’s as a birthday gift. Stan-                                  Swim let us take home a smaller  pet  Easter  photos  on  Saturday,
          ley had outgrown the first terrarium                                  crate (at no cost to us) in the mean-  March 23rd.
          I bought him, and since I was just  Zeke gets his picture with the Easter  time  until  our  larger  one  arrived,  The cost is $10 a photo and Dee
          getting out of college, I was struggling  Bunny at Goody’s Pet Supply.  and  then  we  simply  returned  the  Maggio Photography does an amaz-
                                                                                smaller one back to the store.    ing job of capturing the perfect photo
                                                                                  All  of  this  aside,  I  think  my  fa-  for every pet owner.
                                                                                vorite part about Goody’s is the pet  “We’re honored to have the oppor-
                                                                                photos they host for Christmas and  tunity to host and be a part of it,”
                                                                                Easter.                           said Swim. “All donations go to the
                                                                                  In honor of Ezekiel’s first Christ-  rescue,  we’re  making  meaningful
                                                                                mas in 2018, I took him to Goody’s  memories,  and  we’ve  seen  lots  of
                                                                                to get a photo with Santa, and I was  cool animals over the years like little
                                                                                hooked.  The  following  year,  I  pigs,  a  hedgehog,  Stanley  -  your
                                                                                brought  Zeke  and  my  Chihuahua-  dragon, and even snakes.”
                                                                                Terrier named Bella, and my brother  Goody’s Pet Supply and Provid-
                                                                                brought his cat, to get a group pet  ing for Paws will host another event
                                                                                photo  with  Santa  (before  I  had  to  in  December  for  pet  photos  with
                                                                                make the heartbreaking decision to  Santa, but there are many reasons to
                                                                                put Bella down due to health issues  check out Goody’s before then.
                                                                                in January 2020.) A few years later,
                                                                                I  decided  to  bring  Stanley  along       See Spotlight, page 13

                                                                                                                  The Wayne Dispatch · April 2024 · 11
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