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Lyla Lynn Cassel, a the classroom to the gymnasium, the
bright spark in the lives stage, and the community. An aspir-
of all who knew her, ing gymnast, she tumbled her way
passed away on March into the hearts of her coaches and
16, 2024, in Wayne, teammates with her determination
Michigan. Born on June and grace. Her love for singing and
27, 2015, in Ann Arbor, dancing was evident to anyone who
Michigan, Lyla's infectious enthusi- saw her perform, radiating a joy that
asm and joyous spirit were evident could light up any room.
STEM Center programming from the very beginning. Above all, Lyla was a peacekeeper,
Lyla's family was the cornerstone
WWCS, Continued from page 14 individual needs and preferences,” of her short but impactful life. She is a friend to all, and a helper at heart.
said WWCS Assistant Superinten- survived by her mother, Chelsea Her innate ability to sense when oth-
experience. This allows students to dent of Administration Scott Tocco. Duperon, her father, Josh Cassel, ers needed support and her willing-
engage with teachers and peers di- Students that may have fallen be- her brother, Nathaniel Cassel, her ness to offer it was a gift that made
rectly. This learning format is high- hind in credits, can choose credit re- grandparents, Terry and Jerry Cas- her a cherished member of her com-
lighted by project-based learning and covery opportunities that allow them sel, Kendra and Tom Duperon, and munity.
smaller classroom sizes. to earn their high school diploma. her aunts, Brittany Duperon and Though her time with us was far
The virtual learning program al- “Our commitment to innovation Jessica Cassel, along with many too short, Lyla Lynn Cassel's legacy
lows students to take their courses and flexibility ensures that every stu- playful cousins who will miss her will live on through the countless
asynchronously (meaning the in- dent can reach their full potential, re- dearly. lives she touched with her kindness
structor and the students in the gardless of their circumstances,” A student in the 3rd grade, Lyla and the memories cherished by her
course all engage with the course said Assistant Superintendent of Ad- approached her education with the family and friends. Her spirit, a bea-
content at different times and from ministration Tocco. same zest and curiosity that she did con of love and compassion, will con-
different locations) so they can study This program enables students to every other aspect of her life. Her tinue to inspire those who knew her
when it best fits their schedule and obtain their high school diploma teachers and classmates will remem- to live with the same boundless en-
at their own pace. even if they have encountered chal- ber her as a bright light in the class- ergy and generous heart. Lyla's life,
“We are excited to provide stu- lenges along the way. The Wayne- room, always eager to learn and though brief, was a testament to the
dents with a transformative educa- Westland Innovation Academy is quick to lend a hand. profound impact one young soul can
tional experience that meets their located at 5400 Fourth Street. Lyla's passions extended beyond have on the world.
The Wayne Dispatch · April 2024 · 15