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easy and did not take long to com-
Spotlight, Continued from page 10
After they both returned to Michi- Originally, Bey told me that or-
gan, Ainsworth and Eikenberry ders usually take around two weeks.
started dating in July 2021. They got However, on Friday, March 22nd, I
engaged in August 2022, and set received a call from Bey letting me
their wedding date for April 2024. know my order was already finished.
Ainsworth asked me to be her I stopped by Party with a Tee on
maid of honor in June 2023, and of Saturday, March 23rd to pick up my
course I said yes. order.
In January 2024, Jessica All 14 shirts were in individual
Gavrilovski, Ainsworth’s friend and bags, folded, and labeled by size
the wedding officiant, and I began (small - XL) for easy distribution.
planning the combined bachelorette The text (both front and back) was
party for Ainsworth and Eikenberry. crisp, clean, and a good size, making
To accommodate Ainsworth and it easy to read from a distance.
Eikenberry’s friends, Gavrilovski I thought the shirts turned out
and I decided to plan the bache- great and I couldn’t wait to see how
lorette party as a weekend full of dif- the brides would react to them.
ferent stops within the metro-Detroit The bachelorette party weekend
area. was Saturday, April 6th through Sun-
Gavrilovski’s aunt, Danijela The group shows off their Party with a Tee T-shirts. day, April 7th.
Momirovski, Paul's Bakery owner in stantly went to a business I recently sizes we needed and discuss with Our first stop was at Garden
Marine City, made a cake for the wrote about — Party with a Tee. Gavrilovski what design/phrase we Bowl at the Majestic Theatre, where
brides-to-be, we ordered decora- I called Renee Bey, Party with a wanted on the shirts, so I asked Bey we had all the decorations set up
tions, and discussed getting match- Tee owner, on Saturday, March 16th if I could contact her the next day and everyone was waiting in our
ing t-shirts for everyone attending to inquire about placing an order with all my information. She was be- matching t-shirts for the brides to ar-
the event. with her business. She took the time yond understanding and told me rive.
One of the perks of writing for the to answer any questions I had, gave that was not a problem. Ainsworth and Eikenberry could
Wayne Dispatch is that I speak to a me an estimate for the costs, and a Since Ainsworth and Eikenberry not stop laughing when they saw our
lot of business owners in the City of timeline for how long the order were both in the Army National shirts and theirs.
Wayne. When thinking about where would take. Guard and met because of the Our next stop was at the Michi-
to get our t-shirts made, my mind in- I needed to confirm all the t-shirt Guard, Gavrilovski suggested the gan Central Station, followed by a
shirts be military related. I thought stop at Bobcat Bonnie’s, Batch Brew-
that would be hilarious, and immedi- ing Company, and ending with Drag
ately agreed. Bingo at Five15.
We decided on 12 black shirts The entire time Ainsworth could
with white text on the front saying not stop talking about the shirts and
“Thank you for your service” and the how much she loved them. She
back saying “Buy the brides a drink!” posted photos of the t-shirts (both
with Ainsworth and Eikenberry’s front and back of the friend's shirt
Venmos listed. The two brides’ shirts and hers) on social media and ended
would be white with rainbow text up getting a decent amount of Venmo
saying “You’re welcome for my serv- donations.
ice” on the front. The t-shirts really were the cherry
On Sunday, March 17th, Bey on top of an amazing bachelorette
emailed me a link and instructions party weekend, and I cannot thank
with how to complete my customer
apparel form/order. The process was See Spotlight, page 13
The Wayne Dispatch · May 2024 · 11