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Check out Indie Art and Craft Jam in Goudy Park

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                            “I’m looking forward to seeing the
             If  you  appreciate  handmade,                                                                       neighborhood and people from sur-
          boho, and whimsical, then there is                                                                      rounding cities coming out and dis-
          an upcoming event in Wayne for you.                                                                     covering  downtown  Wayne,  our
             Mark your calendars because the                                                                      beautiful Goudy Park, and just enjoy
          Indie Art and Craft Jam will be Sun-                                                                    being outside and appreciating art,”
          day,  May  19th  from  12-5  pm  at                                                                     said White-Jenkins.
          Goudy Park.                                                                                                Indie Art and Craft Jam will have
             The Indie Art and Craft Jam will                                                                     live music from a local Garden City
          have  over  40  makers  and  artists                                                                    group, Crampton Brothers.
          from  southeast-Michigan.  These                                                                           There will also be food trucks on
          makers and artists will offer a diver-                                                                  site. Hogz Backyard BBQ will offer
          sity of homemade items such as ce-                                                                      sandwiches,  smoked  meats,  and
          ramic,  painting,  macrame,  jewelry,                                                                   sides.
          stained  glass,  refinished  furniture,                                                                    Covered in Frosting is a pop-up
          etc.                                                                                                    bakery  that  will  provide  desserts.
             The hosts, Creative Sol Makery                                                                       Fudgey Grandma’s Coffee will offer
          (5909 Middlebelt Rd, Garden City)                                                                       coffee drinks.
          and Helium Studio (3127 S Wayne                                                                            “People  love  supporting  hand-
          Rd, Wayne) will also have a booth at                                                                    made,” said White-Jenkins. “Come
          the event.                         The Indie Art and Craft Jam will have over 40 makers and artists from southeast-  on out and meet your neighbors.”
             “I think our show has a nice vari-                                                                      Helium Studio has been in Wayne
          ety of makers. We want to make sure  Michigan.                                                          for  nine  years  and  features  40-50
          everything  from  the  music,  to  the  shows give.”                  ing the show in 2021, the event was  artists  and  makers'  (many  from
          food,  to  the  makers,  represents  a  This will be the sixth year White-  in Garden City (where Creative Sol  Michigan) handmade goods.
          particular  vibe,”  said  Kim  White-  Jenkins  and  Charlotte  Lawrie  Ca-  Makery is located), however this year,  Their mission is to uplift, to in-
          Jenkins, Helium Studio owner. “We  banaw, Creative Sol Makery owner,  they decided to change the location  spire,  and  to  engender  positivity
          want to give a great experience and a  have hosted Indie Art and Craft Jam.  to Wayne (where Helium Studio is lo-
          different  experience  than  other    Originally when they started host-  cated).                                        See Art, page 13

          12 · May 2024 · The Wayne Dispatch
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