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Spotlight, Continued from page 11  ate something unique.”             to  partake  in  a  30-minute  facial,  Thursday, as well as t-shirt painting
                                                Party with a Tee also hosts sev-  enjoy music, food and beverage, and  on Saturday and Sunday, are avail-
          Bey and Party with a Tee enough for  eral  community  events  each  year,  t-shirt painting.            able upon request.
          the great job they did.            such  as:  Black  History  Book  Fair,  “Come  celebrate  yourself  as  a  For more information about Party
             Party  with  a  Tee  has  been  in  Back-to-School Backpack Giveaway  mother,  or  your  mother,  and  walk  with a Tee, call (734)589-0111. To
          Wayne since November 2022.         Event, and “Brushes and Wine Glass:  away  feeling  beautiful,”  said  Bey.  purchase  tickets,  for  online  shop-
             Party  with  a  Tee  specializes  in  Valentine’s  Day  Celebrated  with  “You’ll  be  able  to  be  creative,  have  ping,  t-shirt  painting  events,  and
          custom apparel (for bachelorette par-  Class.”                        fun,  and  enjoy  a  relaxing  and  fun  event  space  rental  inquiries,  visit
          ties,  family  reunions,  corporate  “I love being able to help others,  vibe.”               
          events, small businesses, etc.), hosts  between doing community events or  Tickets  for  “Paint  and  Pamper”  First Responders receive a 10%
          t-shirt painting events for all occa-  having t-shirt events that leave peo-  can be purchased on the website.   discount on all merchandise in store
          sions, and offers event space rentals  ple feeling satisfied and happy,” said  Bey is thinking about working on  (customized orders, Event & Meeting
          for small gatherings (such as: baby  Bey. “Our mission is to uplift every-  an event for Juneteenth, so be sure  space  rentals,  and  t-shirt  painting
          or bridal showers, birthday parties,  one. We’re looking for more events to  to check the website for updates and  events are excluded).
          vendor events, book signings, work-  expand.”                         more information.                    If you’re interested in volunteer-
          shops/meetings, and more).            Party  with  a  Tee’s  next  event  is  Party  with  a  Tee  is  located  at  ing for any Party with a Tee events,
             “It’s something I always wanted to  “Paint and Pamper: A Mother’s Day  3158 S Wayne Rd, and is open 12-  email
          do and always felt like I was going to  with Artistry and Glamour” on Sat-  5PM Friday-Saturday, t-shirt paint-  Be sure to check out Party with a
          be doing,” said Bey. “It took a lot of  urday,  May  11th  from  11  a.m  -  6  ing  is  6-9PM  Monday-Friday,  and  Tee, and be on the lookout for the
          preparation and preservation to cre-  p.m.  Mothers and attendees will get  business hours for service Sunday-  next Spotlight Series with Sarah!

             Baseball, Continued from page 3                                                                     We  couldn't  do  it  without  them,”
                                                                                                                 said Itter. “We’re always looking for
             years  and  then  joined  the  WYAA                                                                 more sponsors.”
             board.  Itter  has  been  part  of  the                                                                Team  registration  is  currently
             WYAA board for seven years total.                                                                   open online for football and cheer.
               “We try to go beyond the fields                                                                   In June, registration will open for
             and help the kids in our commu-                                                                     fall baseball. You can sign up on the
             nity  and  the  community  in  other                                                                WYAA’s website or follow WYAA on
             ways,” said Itter.                                                                                  Facebook  and  find  an  in-person
                Through  WYAA  Cares,  the                                                                       day where you can pay cash/check
             WYAA  has  organized  coat  drives,                                                                 to sign up.
             food  drives,  served  the  needy,                                                                     If you’re interested in donating
             adopted  families  for  Christmas,                                                                  to the WYAA, there is a link on their
             and     donated     to    other                                                                     website.  WYAA  also  appreciates
             fundraisers/organizations with an                                                                   equipment donations (in good con-
             outreach to those in need.                                                                          dition, not necessarily new) to keep
                The  WYAA  works  closely  with                                             The Westland Redbirds  the cost down for families, as well
             WWCS  Superintendent  John  Dig-  Comets  Football  Director,  Gina  “We  can  keep  anybody  busy  if  as water to share with players.
             nan, and was able to prepare 120  Bologna:  Comets  Cheer  Director,  they're interested,” said Itter.   The Westland Youth Athletic As-
             Easter baskets for Wayne-Westland  Ryan Yoh and Antoine  Billingsley:  Partners of WYAA are: Airtime  sociation  is  located  at  6050  N
             students with only a week’s notice.  Meteors  Football  Directors,  Jas-  Trampoline  &  Game  Park,  Relay  Farmington Rd, Westland.
                The  WYAA  executive  board   mine Marks: Meteors Cheer Direc-  for Life, City of Westland, City of  For more information about the
             members and directors are as fol-  tor, and Jen Owens: Meteors Cheer  Wayne,  Wayne-Westland  School,  Westland  Youth  Athletic  Associa-
             lows: Sara Itter: President, Melinda  Assistant Director.          Chevy Youth Baseball, and Dick’s  tion, visit, call or text
             Hovey: Vice President of Finance,   “We  make  a  good  team  and  I  Sporting Goods.               (734)818-5511,     or     email
             Michele Derrick: Vice President of  couldn't do it without their support,  Sponsors  of  WYAA  are:  Mark  INFO@THEWYAA.COM.
             Operations,   Monica   Greenlee:  hard  work,  and  all  their  dedica-  Chevrolet,  Olympic  Coney  Island,  You can find the WYAA on Face-
             Treasurer, Melissa Blevins: Secre-  tion,”  said  Itter.  The  WYAA  has  Ringmasters, Knights of Columbus  book by searching “Westland Youth
             tary, Ashley Ringholz: Director of  board meetings on the third Tues-  Notre  Dame  Council  3021,  West-  Athletic  Association.”  Baseball
             Communications, Shaun Ringholz:  day of the month, and is currently  land Fire Department, and Wayne  game  schedules  can  be  found  on
             Compound Manager, Lisa Osborne:  looking for volunteers, coaches, or  Police Department.            Facebook  by  searching  “WYAA
             Baseball Director, Jimmy Brucker:  someone to maintain the fields.   “We  appreciate  their  support.  Baseball” or by email.

          Art, Continued from page 12        mission is to bring the excitement of  Wayne,” said White-Jenkins.   art and bring your family and bring
                                             art back into the community.          For more information about Indie  your wallets. This is all about sup-
          through  their  collection  of  local,  Creative Sol Makery has more of  Art   and   Craft   Jam,   visit  porting artists and the best way you
          indie, vintage, and handmade goods  a  New  Orleans  vibe,  with  vibrant   can  support,  is  to  buy  something
          (such as: jewelry, wearables, home  color pieces and DIY brands.         They are featuring makers with  (large or small). So come, shop and
          decor, accessories, and more).        Indie Art and Craft Jam is part-  ‘Makers Spotlight’ posts. There will  be inspired,” said White-Jenkins.
             Creative Sol Makery provides cus-  nered by the Wayne Downtown Devel-  be two posts a day until the event, so  If you’re a maker or artist inter-
          tomers  with  the  tools,  knowledge,  opment Authority (DDA).        you can see what makers are attend-  ested  in  participating  in  future
          and inspiration to learn something   “We appreciate the support from  ing the event and view their work.   events,  email  indieartcraftjam@-
          new about their creative self.  Their  the DDA and bringing this event to  “Be inspired by people who create
                                                                                                                  The Wayne Dispatch · May 2024 · 13
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