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Party with a Tee will make your party complete

          By Sarah Shurge
             Welcome  back  to  another  Spot-
          light Series with Sarah!
             I started this series to get to know
          the city more personally by visiting,
          experiencing, and reviewing hidden
          gems in the City of Wayne, while my
          readers can get to know me better in
          the process.
             In April 2017, I received my jour-                                                                      In April 2018, Ainsworth swore
          nalism degree from the University of                                                                    into the Army National Guard. In Oc-
          Michigan-Dearborn,  which  is  also                                                                     tober 2018, I flew down to Fort Jack-
          where I met one of my best friends,                                                                     son  in  South  Carolina  with  her
          Amber Ainsworth.                                                                                        parents to watch her graduate from
             In order to complete my major,                                                                       basic training.
          there  were  certain  journalism                                                                           In  June  2021,  I  dropped
          classes I was required to take. My                                                                      Ainsworth  off  at  the  Detroit  Metro
          sophomore year of college, I signed                                                                     Airport  so  she  could  fly  down  to
          up  for  a  copy  editing  class.                                                                       Camp Shelby in Mississippi, for BLC
          Ainsworth,  a  fellow  journalism                                                                       (Basic Leader Course) training with
          major, signed up for the same class                                                                     the National Guard.
          as well.                                                                                                   At  BLC  training  in  Mississippi,
             The first day of my copy editing                                                                     Ainsworth  met  Rachel  Eikenberry.
          class in January 2015, I sat down at                                                                    Eikenberry was also in the Army Na-
          the  large  round-table  in  the  class-                                                                tional Guard from Michigan. During
          room, a little too close to the student                                                                 their three weeks of leadership train-
          next  to  me.  That  student  was                                                                       ing,  Ainsworth  and  Eikenberry
          Ainsworth. I laughed at the jokes she                                                                   quickly  formed  a  close  bond  and
          made  to  her  friends  sitting  on  the                                                                were inseparable.
          other side of her, and we quickly be-  Sarah Shurge, Amber Ainsworth, Rachel Eikenberry, and Jessica Gavrilovski cele-
          came close friends.                brate at Party with a Tee.                                                     See Spotlight, page 11

          10 · May 2024 · The Wayne Dispatch
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