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Get your sweets at Snazzy Treats and Eats

             Welcome  back  to  another  Spot-
          light Series with Sarah!
             I started this series to get to know
          the city more personally, while my
          readers can get to know me better in
          the process.
             If  you’ve  been  keeping  up  with
          this series, then you might remem-
          ber that I mentioned I have a sweet
          tooth in my first Spotlight Series.    with items like chips, ramen, pasta
             Doesn’t matter if it’s in the morn-  noodles, rice, canned vegetables and
          ing, afternoon, after dinner, or mid-  beans, soups, cereals, crackers, and
          night, I’m always down for a sweet  a  variety  of  candies.  You  can  buy
          treat.  Cookies,  ice  cream,  cheese-  paper  towels,  paper  plates,  sugar,
          cake, cobbler, donuts; doesn’t matter,  and  condiments  such  as  ketchup,
          I don’t discriminate.              mustard,  mayo,  relish,  hot  sauce,
             To keep our sweet tooth cravings  and ranch.
          local,  my  boyfriend  and  I  visited  The freezer had frozen vegetables,
          Snazzy Treats and Eats on Saturday,  french fries, pot pies, and individu-  Banana pudding shake and Carolina peach ice cream at Snazzy Treats and Eats.
          June 29th. The bright colored walls  ally wrapped ice cream. The refriger-  available  ice  cream  flavors  were:  peach was refreshing and had peach
          were the first thing I noticed when  ator was stocked with energy drinks,  strawberry  cheesecake,  Michigan  pieces.
          we entered the shop. The right side  juices, teas, water, pops, eggs, butter,  pothole,  banana  pudding,  vanilla,  I  knew  I  didn’t  need  any  other
          of the store (pink wall) resembled an  and lots of flavored pickles.    mint  chip,  Carolina  peach,  play  sample  after  I  tasted  the  Carolina
          ice cream parlor, while the left side  I grabbed myself a can of Taiwan  dough, and cookie jar.         peach.  I  got  a  Carolina  peach  cup
          (orange and blue walls) resembled a  classic  bubble  tea  (honeydew  with  Cheesecake  and  peach  cobbler  and my boyfriend got a banana pud-
          convenience store.                 tapioca  pearls)  and  my  boyfriend  are two of my favorite desserts, so I  ding shake.
             We walked up and down the con-  picked out two bags of Lays chips:  asked  for  a  sample  of  both.  Both  We watched his shake be made
          venience  store  side  checking  out  hot  chili  squid  and  roasted  fish  samples  of  ice  cream  were  mouth-  right in front of us from the banana
          what available goodies were stocked  flavour.                         watering. The strawberry cheesecake  pudding ice cream and I was asked
          on all the shelves, refrigerators, and  We  then  checked  out  the  ice  had  swirls  of  strawberry  and  a
          freezers.  The  shelves  were  loaded  cream parlor side of the store. The  chunk of cheesecake. The Carolina     See Spotlight, page 15

          14· July 2024 · The Wayne Dispatch
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