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Kenneth Allen Warfield, affectionately known                                              the betterment of his community and the nurtur-
          as Ken to his friends and family, passed away on                                             ing of the relationships within it. Described by
          June 12, 2024, at the age of 84 in Corbin, Ken-                                              those who knew him as loving and kind, he ap-
          tucky. Born to Ernest and Sallie Warfield on Feb-                                            proached life with a fervor that was both rare and
          ruary 22, 1940, in Artemus, Kentucky, Kenneth                                                admirable. His passion was infectious, and he left
          was a beacon of love and positivity throughout his                                           an  indelible  mark  on  the  hearts  and  minds  of
          life, touching the lives of many with his kindness                                           those fortunate enough to have crossed his path.
          and passion.                                                                                    As  we  mourn  the  loss  of  Kenneth  Allen
             Ken’s  legacy  of  love  continues  through  his                                          Warfield, we also celebrate a life extraordinarily
          beloved wife of 43 years, Golden Warfield; his chil-                                         well-lived. His spirit of generosity, leadership, and
          dren,  Donald  A.  Warfield,  Robert  A.  Warfield,                                          compassion will continue to guide and inspire us.
          Mark  D.  Warfield,  Deborah  (John)  Olson,  and                                            Kenneth's memory will live on not only in the im-
          Theresa Sebastian; his cherished eight grandchil-                                            pactful work he did for the City of Wayne but also
          dren; fifteen great-grandchildren; and his sisters,                                          in the love and wisdom he imparted to his family.
          Phyllis Wilder and Delores (Malcom) Marlowe.                                                    Ken's life story is one of dedication and love-a
             Ken dedicated his life to serving others, a com-                                          true testament to the remarkable person he was.
          mitment evident through his distinguished career                                             He will be deeply missed by his family, friends,
          as  a  firefighter.  He  proudly  served  the  City  of                                      and all who were touched by his enduring legacy.
          Wayne, where he eventually rose to the rank of                                                  As we bid farewell to Kenneth, we reflect on the
          Fire Chief before retiring. His dedication to public                                         profound impact he had on each of our lives. His
          service did not end there, as he further served his                                          memory will be cherished and kept alive through
          community through two terms (1991-1999) as the                                               the countless stories of his kindness, his unwaver-
          Mayor of the City of Wayne. His tireless efforts to                                          ing commitment to his community, and the love
          improve and protect the city he loved were an in-                       Kenneth Allen Warfield  he shared with all of us. Rest in peace, Kenneth, a
          spiration to all who knew him.                and his actions were a testament to his loving, car-  beloved husband, father, grandfather, great-grand-
             Beyond  his  professional  achievements,  Ken  ing, and positive nature. His passion for bettering  father, brother, and friend. Your light will continue
          was known for his unwavering love for his family  the City of Wayne was matched only by the pas-  to shine in our hearts forever.   Family is request-
          and his desire to make a positive impact on those  sion he had for his family.               ing donations in Kenneth's name to the First Con-
          around him. He was a man who lived his values,   Ken's interests all shared a common theme:  gregational Church of Wayne.

          16 · July 2024 · The Wayne Dispatch
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