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Community feedback needed for district’s financial health

          By Sarah Shurge
             The  Wayne-Westland  Community  Schools
          wants your help in the decision-making process
          for the schools budget reduction.
             During the board meeting on Monday, June
          17th, the board of education approved the budget
          for  the  2024-2025  school  year,  anticipating  a
          deficit of $8,927,613 by June 30th, 2025.
             As a result, cost-saving measures must be im-                                                                             Survey
             The district is committed to providing oppor-
          tunities  that  set  our  students  up  for  success.
          Equally  important  is  their  dedication  to  trans-
          parency,  ensuring  our  families,  staff,  students,
          and community stay informed.
             Community input and feedback is highly val-
          ued and vital as the district formulates a compre-
          hensive  plan  to  restore  our  district's  financial
          health and secure long-term sustainability.                                                                                   RSVP
             The district urges you to complete a survey
          (found on and share your  All meetings will be held at the William D. Ford Career-Technical Center located at 36455
          thoughts on potential cost-saving measures by Fri- Marquette, Westland.
          day, July 19th.                               Career-Technical  Center  located  at  36455  Mar-  trict will post the presentation on the district web-
             The district also invites you to attend one of  quette, Westland. The district asks you to please  site (
          their community engagement meetings on the fol-  RSVP so they can plan accordingly. RSVP link can  The district wants to thank you for your con-
          lowing dates: Tuesday, July 9th, from 5-7 p.m.,  also be found on      tinued support and looks forward to ongoing en-
          Wednesday, July 10th, from 5-7 p.m., or Thurs-   Each meeting will feature a brief presentation,  gagement and collaboration with staff, students,
          day, July 11th, from 1-3 p.m.                 an opportunity to provide input and ideas, and a  families,  and  the  community  as  they  navigate
             All meetings will be held at the William D. Ford  Q&A session. For those unable to attend, the dis-  these challenging times.

          12· July 2024 · The Wayne Dispatch
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