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Spotlight, Continued from page 14  has the following ice cream flavors
                                                                                                                  available: vanilla, superman, Michi-
                                                                                if I wanted a lid for my cup. Since we  gan  pothole,  and  banana  pudding.
                                                                                were taking our sweet treats to go, a  Snazzy’s tends to go through an ice
                                                                                lid was a great option so the dog hair  cream flavor (three gallon bucket) in
                                                                                in my car wouldn’t get stuck in my  a week and a half to two weeks. “If a
                                                                                ice cream.                        customer  comes  back  and  doesn't
                                                                                  With  how  creamy  and  flavorful  see  a  flavor  that  they  just  had  the
                                                                                the ice cream was, I plan to stop by  prior week, just ask about it,” said
                                                                                again for more.                   Sealie.  “I  could  still  have  it  in  the
                                                                                  Snazzy Treats and Eats opened   back,  but  it  was  so  slow  that  I
                                                                                in April 2023. “We’re a small market  switched to a new flavor.”
                                                                                for people to pick their odds-and-ins  Customers can also get involved
                                                                                up.  People  come  in  for  something  in creating their unique flavor choice.
                                                                                like beans, and we’re a last minute  Sealie mentioned that people like to
                                                                                pick-me-up spot for ice cream,” said  mix  and  match  the  ice  cream  for
                                                                                Charlotte Sealie, Snazzy Treats and  milkshakes, or you can buy any item
                                                                                Eats owner.                       in the store (like a pop, candy, or ice
                                                                                   Sealie used to work concessions  cream) to combine in your shake.
                                                                                when her kids did football and cheer,  “We provide unique things to test
                                                                                and that’s what sparked her desire  your sweet taste buds,” said Sealie.
                                                                                to start her own business. She still  Sealie likes the idea of keeping
                                                                                works full-time at her day job, but  Snazzy  Treats  and  Eats  family
                                                                                Snazzy’s is her long-term retirement  friendly, and wants people to bring
                                                                                plan.                             their children in, so she will not be
                                                                                  “If you want something different,  trying to obtain a liquor license or
                                                                                we  like  to  specialize  in  different,”  sell cigarettes.
                                                                                said Sealie. “There’s not many places  “I'm here for the community,” said
                                                                                you can go and get the same experi-  Sealie. “I’m local to the area, have
                                                                                ence.”                            lived  here  for  over  25  years,  and
                                                                                  Some of Snazzy Treats and Eats’  would like people to come in and see
                                                                                best-selling  items  are  the  banana  what it's all about, or just stop in and
                                                                                pudding ice cream, sugar cone, ice  say hello.”  Sealie wants the commu-
                                                                                cream sandwich extreme, and bub-  nity to know that Snazzy Treats and
                                                                                ble  plates  (bubbled  pancake  with  Eats accepts EBT payments.
                                                                                topping  and  ice  cream,  powdered  Snazzy Treats and Eats is located
                                                                                sugar, drizzle, whipped cream, and a  at  35139  E  Michigan  Ave,  and  is
                                                                                cherry).                          open 1 – 9 p.m. Monday, 3:30 – 9
                                                                                  Sealie mentioned that during the  p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday, 1 – 9
                                                                                winter months, people were asking  p.m. Thursday, 1 – 10 p.m. Friday,
                                                                                about non-dairy options, so Snazzy’s  and 1 – 11 p.m. Saturday.
                                                                                now offers Italian ice (blue raspberry,  For  more  information  about
                                                                                pina colada, lemon, and lime) in a  Snazzy Treats and Eats, you can call
                                                                                cup or slushies.                  (734)674-6640 or find them on Face-
                                                                                  “I try to accommodate everybody  book,  Instagram,  and  TikTok  by
                                                                                and I’m always willing to do things  searching “Snazzy Treats and Eats.”
                                                                                when  customers  ask,”  said  Sealie.  Be  sure  to  check  out  Snazzy
                                                                               “Just like malts, even though that’s  Treats and Eats and be on the look-
                                                                                not on the menu.”                 out for the next Spotlight Series with
                                                                                  Snazzy  Treats  and  Eats  always  Sarah!

                                                                                                                   The Wayne Dispatch · July 2024 · 15
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