Page 17 - Wayne Dispatch Pages
P. 17

The Wayne County Poorhouse.                                                 Second County House
          The History of Eloise (part 1)

             This  series  will  be  a  multi-part                              county.  In 1838 the county bought  position. Often their wives, kids and
          complete  history  of  the  Wayne                                     the Torbert farm from Samuel and  an attendant or two would help care
          County Poorhouse and Asylum, later                                    Nancy  Torbert  for  $800.  This  pur-  for the inmates.
          known as Eloise. As early as 1805                                     chase came with 160 acres of land, a  In April 1839 the first 35 people
          Wayne County had laws on the books                                    barn, some animals and equipment  were transferred from Detroit out to
          for the relief of the poor, but this did                              and the Black Horse Tavern, a log  the new County House, but 111 re-
          not amount to much more than a lit-                                   cabin stagecoach stop built in 1828.  fused to go to the awful wilderness.
          tle bread to be given out here and                                    The county bought an additional 120  This area really was the wilderness
          there to the homeless.                                                acres,  creating  a  large  area  to  be  back then, as Wayne only had about
             Detroit had just 1,500 people and  in the same room and tried to coex-  used  as  the  county  house  saw  fit.  10 families and was the only "town"
          nobody  ventured  inland  to  settle  ist.  By 1834 the place had become  This  location  was  bisected  by  the  nearby. The trip also took nearly a
          until the 1820s. By the 1830s how-  so dirty and rundown that the local  Rouge  River,  Chicago  Road  (Michi-  whole  day  from  Detroit  via  the
          ever the population had swelled to  catholic  church,  run  by  Martin  gan Avenue) and the Michigan Cen-  muddy and unpaved Chicago Road,
          over 3,000 and the Erie Canal was  Kundig,  and  some  parishioners   tral  railroad,  so  proved  to  be  a  with many of them being forced to
          bringing  hundreds  and  later  thou-  stepped in to clean the place up and  perfect spot.              walk if they could.
          sands  of  new  settlers  to  the  area.  give some level of care. He was ap-  A new two story wooden dormi-  The  idea  to  move  the  county
          This also brought more poor, home-  pointed the first superintendent and  tory building was erected behind the  house out to Nankin was also a re-
          less, infirm and insane.           did improve conditions slightly.    log  cabin  for  the  inmates,  and  the  sult of the "out of sight out of mind"
             In  1832  the  county  authorized  By the end of the decade plans  cabin  became  the  keeper’s  house.  attitude towards poor, disabled or in-
          construction  of  the  first  "County  were being made to move the county  (The  word  "inmates"  was  what  all  sane persons at the time. People did
          House"  at  the  Northwest  corner  of  house to a different location in the  persons  at  the  county  house  were  not  want  to  see  beggars  on  the
          Mt.  Elliott  and  Gratiot  Avenues  in  county, as Detroit was quickly grow-  called,  it  has  nothing  to  do  with  streets, so they would be rounded up
          Detroit.  This  modest  wooden  two  ing and the rural area the building  being a prisoner as we think today)  and sent to the county house. Push-
          story building was separated by sex,  was  built  in  was  quickly  being  en-  The  "Keeper"  was  an  appointed  ing it far outside the city ensured the
          but  only  had  a  few  rooms  and  no  croached  upon.  Nankin  Township  county official, but had no medical  citizens would never have to see or
          beds or carers. Everybody, the poor,  was selected to be the new location,  or care training, they were just aver-  deal with these people again. Check
          homeless, insane, orphans, etc. slept  as it was centrally located within the  age farmers who were interested in a  in next month for the continuation.

                                                                                                                   The Wayne Dispatch · July 2024 · 17
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