Page 9 - Wayne Dispatch Pages
P. 9

1             They are discretionary.  You know, the Court can depart

                 2             from the guidelines if there are -- if it turns out at

                 3             trial that there are reasons to do so, and, obviously, if

                 4             he's convicted.  Those would have to be, obviously, placed

                 5             on the record.  The Court would have to explain why the

                 6             guidelines don't adequately address the facts and

                 7             circumstances that arose in this particular case.

                 8                            So, you know, Mr. --

                 9                            DEFENDANT SANDERS:  Can I have a moment with my

               10              attorney?

               11                             THE COURT:  Sure.

               12                             (Recess taken at 9:21 a.m.)

               13                             (Back on the record at 9:27 a.m.)

               14                             THE COURT:  We're back on the record in case

               15              number 20-4758-01-FH.

               16                             Appearances again, please.

               17                             MR. PENNEY:  Matthew Penney for the People,

               18              your Honor.

               19                             MR. MCCARTY:  Attorney Jeff McCarty, P 42633,

               20              on behalf of Mr. Sanders standing to my right.

               21                             THE COURT:  Mr. Sanders, can you please state

               22              your name again?

               23                             DEFENDANT SANDERS:  Sorry.  Christopher

               24              Sanders.  My fault.

               25                             THE COURT:  Good morning again.

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