Page 11 - Wayne Dispatch Pages
P. 11

1                            DEFENDANT SANDERS:  No, your Honor.

                 2                            THE COURT:  Has anyone promised you anything so

                 3             you'll reject the offer?

                 4                            DEFENDANT SANDERS:  No, your Honor.

                 5                            THE COURT:  Do you have any other questions of

                 6             Mr. McCarty before you make that ultimate decision?

                 7                            DEFENDANT SANDERS:  No, your Honor.

                 8                            THE COURT:  Go ahead, Mr. McCarty.

                 9                            MR. MCCARTY:  Well, I just ask for -- I don't

               10              know if you have some other business the Court may

               11              entertain for five minutes.  I just wanted to convene with

               12              the prosecutor and the OIC in the witness room or

               13              somewhere and take a look at something.

               14                             THE COURT:  Yeah, I think I've got a couple of

               15              other things I've got to handle.

               16                             MR. PENNEY:  Do you mind if we use the table in

               17              the jury room?  He just wants to take a look at a couple

               18              of pieces of evidence.

               19                             THE COURT:  That's fine.

               20                             MR. PENNEY:  For the record, all of these

               21              pieces of evidence are sealed and we will be breaking the

               22              seals to take a look at them.

               23                             THE COURT:  Okay.

               24                             (Recess taken at 9:30 a.m.)

               25                             (Back on the record at 10:48 a.m.)

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