Page 12 - Wayne Dispatch Pages
P. 12

1                            THE COURT:  Recalling case number

                 2             20-4758-01-FH, People of the State of Michigan versus

                 3             Christopher Sanders.

                 4                            Appearances, please.

                 5                            MR. PENNEY:  Good morning, your Honor.

                 6                            Matthew Penney, P 74079, for the People.

                 7                            MR. MCCARTY:  Good morning, your Honor.

                 8                            Attorney Jeff McCarty, P 42633, with and on

                 9             behalf of Mr. Sanders who appears to my right.

               10                             THE COURT:  Sir, please state your name.

               11                             DEFENDANT SANDERS:  Christopher Sanders.

               12                             THE COURT:  All right.  Good morning again

               13              Mr. Sanders, Mr. McCarty, and Mr. Penney.

               14                             So it looks like we have a resolution.

               15              Mr. Penney, would you please place that on the record?

               16                             MR. PENNEY:  We do, your Honor.  This is a

               17              modification of the latter offer.  This is a plea to Count

               18              Three, attempt false report of a felony, dismissing counts

               19              One and Two, with the following sentence agreement as to

               20              Count Three.

               21                             90 days in the Wayne County Jail to be held in

               22              abeyance during a two-year probationary term.  Additional

               23              terms, conditions, fines, and costs in the Court's

               24              discretion.  The People will not seek charges regarding

               25              the obstruction of justice allegations of April 27th,

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